MMR (also known as Match Making Rate or Elo) is a hidden statistic / value in League of Legeds on which the game matches you with opponents and teammates. For every league and division (e.g. Gold 4) there is an average MMR. If your MMR equals the average you will most likely get matched with players that are in the same league & division as you.
For example, if you are currently Gold 3 and you get matched with Diamond tier players this means that your MMR/ELO is way higher than it should be. Therefore you will gain a lot more LP than you lose (e.g. +30LP and -12LP). You are also much more likely to skip divisions or promo games.
More useful information can be found on:
Currently there are following leagues and divisions in the game:
The Rank #1 Player on EUW server is TheUnshackIedone with Challenger 1408LP and a MMR of 2801. On NA server it currently is the player Santorin with 1579 LP and a MMR of approximately 2770. (last update on 25.11.2019, data from OP.GG)
Detailed information can be found in the official
League of Legends Ranked Ladder (NA)
We kept it really simple. Just enter your League of Legends summoner name of your account and click the 'check my MMR' button. The page will automatically reload and show your estimated MMR score. Please notice that this calculator is still in early BETA stage, which means that certain errors could occur. If you find any exploits or bugs feel free to contact us via following e-mail:
Yes! Your summoner has a different MMR value for every gamemode. This checking tool does analyze your ranked games (solo / duo / flex), aswell as your normal games and even your ARAM games and provides you an estimated number.
All the data is retrieved from the official API. If you want to support them, feel free to check out their PATREON. The data is up-to-date for the upcoming Season 10.
According to there are currently
30.141.456 summoners analyzed in total.
The only possible way to increase your Match Making Rate is to win more games than you lose. If you lose more games than you win, your MMR goes down.
Also interesting: You gain more MMR / Elo if you win against an enemy team with higher average MMR than your team. On the other side, if you lose against a team with higher average MMR than your team, you will not lose much, since you were on the 'weaker' team. But if you lose the game against enemys with lower MMR than your team, you lose much more MMR.
No! If you dodge a lobby in champ select you only lose LP (-3 LP / -15 LP per dodge) but it will not affect your MMR. Please keep in mind that you recieve a dodge timer penalty after each dodge. In most cases it is a 5 minutes timer on the first dodge and a 15 minutes timer after the second dodge.
At the moment there is no seperate Checking-Tool for Teamfight Tactics. We are currently working on providing such a tool in the near future. More information coming soon...